
Please email me to request a reference.

I receive many requests for reference letters, so please contact me at least 1 month before the letter is due (as early as possible).

I’m sorry but I do not provide references for students who I have met through online classes only. Ideally I have taught you in a face-to-face course and/or we have worked together because you have completed a research practicum, honours thesis, or the On The Move! program with me.

I will submit the reference letter directly to the program/employer.

If I agree, I will want to write the best letter I can. Please provide me with the following details:

  • The program(s) you are applying for and why.

  • Your current CV/resume.

  • A recent copy of your unofficial transcript from Trent.

  • The statement of interest you’ve prepared for your application.

Please feel free to send a note to me that highlights why you are an excellent fit for the program/job you are targeting. Point to the relevant supporting evidence on your CV/resume.

Please provide a list of the programs you are targeting and ensure that I receive the reference link or form well in advance of the due date. You may be asked to enter my contact information on your application:

Liana Brown, PhD,
Associate Professor, Psychology
Trent University
LHS C116,
1600 West Bank Drive,
Peterborough, Ontario K9L 0G2
705-748-1011 x7238

Feel free to send me reminders the week before the due date!